The short answer is, “Yes.” When you vape, it does impact your sleep, and not in a good way. There seems to be an ongoing battle between health and use of electronic cigarettes. But all signs point to the negative impact that vaping has on a person’s health, extending to sleep.
Understanding e-cigs
Teenagers and adults find electronic cigarettes to be all the rage these days. Many have chosen vaping as a way to quit. However, most still continue to use e-cigs long after they decided they wanted to quit smoking. Unfortunately, though, many believe that they are inhaling lower levels of nicotine, making it safer. It is not.
Anyway you look at electronic cigarettes, vaping is not good for you and it should be avoided. While lower nicotine levels might seem good, the nicotine is still in your system, which can lead to negative outcomes.
How is it connected with sleep?
There still remains a lack of research around the nicotine delivery system of e-cigarettes. Additionally, there is also a lack of regulation of the ignition components and the nicotine-infused liquids that are heated to create the smoke or “vape.”
One possible effect is on your sleep. In a recent study published using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, researchers found the correlation. The questionnaire asked participants about their electronic cigarette use, hours of sleep and other variables known to be associated with quality and quantity of sleep.
For those who had never used an e-cigarette product, they were more likely to exhibit proper levels of sleep duration compared to those who did vape. In fact, electronic cigarette use was associated with higher odds of shorter sleep duration. Sleep duration is a major factor for proper body function and repair. That means the more you vape, the worse your sleep outcomes will be, which can harm your overall health and well-being.
Contact us at AZ Sleep & TMJ Solutions in Scottsdale to learn more about how vaping might be impacting your sleep.