Whether you are at home alone or in a house full of people, working full-time or searching for a new job, the added stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic can take a toll on your ability to sleep. If you are experiencing sleepless nights, it isn’t insomnia. There’s actually a new term for what you […]
The short answer is, “Yes.” When you vape, it does impact your sleep, and not in a good way. There seems to be an ongoing battle between health and use of electronic cigarettes. But all signs point to the negative impact that vaping has on a person’s health, extending to sleep. Understanding e-cigs Teenagers and […]
We all know that puberty is a natural part of growing up. However, not everyone goes through puberty at the same rate, which can impact your sleep. In a recent study, researchers found that the earlier someone goes through puberty, the more complications will occur. Let’s take a look at how puberty and sleep deprivation […]
Everywhere you turn, there is something new about the current COVID-19 pandemic. Depending on your level of interest with what is going on in the world, you might find yourself scouring social media all day and night. It may have even gotten to the point that this is what you search on a daily basis […]
We continue to learn more and more every day about COVID-19. As new information becomes available, we encourage you to visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) website to remain up-to-date on important COVID-19 information. While people of any age can catch SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, certain medical conditions increase your […]