Have you noticed any pain or discomfort in your jaw, neck and/or head? You may be experiencing pain caused by the temporomandibular joint. This joint is responsible for opening and closing your mouth, chewing, and talking. It may be time for you to visit an oral specialist to put a stop to the pain!

Symptoms of TMJ

TMJ isn’t always easy to detect. It can start off with minimal symptoms, but then progressively lead to more. Symptoms such as clicking or locking of the jaw, loose or sensitive teeth, pain when opening and closing your mouth, and discomfort while eating are some of the telltale signs of TMJ.

Treatment options

Don’t fret! TMJ is treatable, especially if you detect it early on. Treatments will most likely be a mixture of at-home remedies and prescribed treatments, depending on the severity of your case. Some suggestions include: resting your jaw instead of clenching when not talking or eating, choosing soft foods instead of hard or chewy foods, applying ice or heat, exercising your jaw, and wearing a mouthguard at night. These are all self-care options that could save you time and money, as long as it treats your symptoms.

For more severe cases of TMJ, your doctor may prescribe an anti-inflammatory medicine that will cut down on the swelling and pain. Physical therapy is also an option to help strengthen the jaw and correct any harmful habits you may have formed over the years. If you have exhausted all of these options with no relief, surgery may be necessary, but it is definitely a last resort for treatment.

Living with TMJ

TMJ is painful, but treatable. With many treatment plans available, you are sure to find the right fit for your case! Be sure to speak with your doctor about your options. Treat it early, before it progresses too far!