Who knew that we had fat in our tongues? It is definitely not a well-known fact among the general public, but it has become a topic of conversation in recent studies. Understanding the symptoms and causes of a larger tongue can help to determine whether or not it is affecting your sleep schedule negatively. Where […]
When a person is at risk for a condition, it means their likelihood of getting a disease or other condition increases. While you are more likely to develop temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder (TMD) if you have one or a few of the risks, it does not mean you won’t develop TMD if you do not […]
Sleep apnea can affect anyone, even children. However, certain factors will put you at an increased risk for sleep apnea. By understanding these risk factors, you can take charge of your health while getting a better night’s sleep. Let’s take a look at four risk factors for sleep apnea. You use alcohol, sedatives, tranquilizers and […]
If you are experiencing pain that is interrupting your daily activities, there is a solution to treat temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder (TMD). And if your symptoms are not interrupting your daily schedule, and your pain can be described as a one or three on a ten-point scale, then you can also use self-care to help […]
Imagine your favorite food. Now think about your jaw pain. When you go in for that first, delicious bite, will it cause further pain? What about your favorite sandwich? If eating causes you pain, it is never fun. When you suffer from jaw pain, it can prevent you from eating just about any of your […]
With every new year, there are new obstacles to tackle or overcome. We often decide to “eat healthy” or “exercise more.” But what about how you sleep? This year, make a resolution to get a better night’s sleep by switching your sleeping position. Some people sleep on their backs while others on their stomachs. Then […]
We know that loud snoring can lead to bad jokes and middle of the night elbow jabs. These are two things we don’t want to experience. But it is important to know that snoring is no laughing matter. Loud, disruptive snoring can place a strain on relationships. However, it may also signal obstructive sleep apnea, […]
If you suffer from sleep apnea, it is important to seek treatment immediately. By seeking treatment for sleep apnea, you can further prevent complications with your health. Sleep is important to help keep you healthy. Without proper sleep, you will begin to feel the negative side effects. Untreated sleep apnea can take a major toll […]
At the end of the day, what do you want to do the most? Odds are, you want to sit back, relax and drift off into sleep. But there’s one problem. Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to fall asleep right away every night. Some even wake up still exhausted because sleep apnea […]