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How walking outdoors can improve your sleep

How walking outdoors can improve your sleep

As the Spring season is underway, more and more people are getting outside and embracing the sunlight and warm weather! This exposure to sunlight and warm weather does wonders for more than your mood, it improves your sleep patterns! A simple walk around the neighborhood is the best prescription for a good night’s sleep. This […]

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Estrogen and temporomandibular joint disorder

Estrogen and temporomandibular joint disorder

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) affects over 10 million Americans, causing pain and dysfunction in the jaw–specifically the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). This disorder is associated with jaw clicking, lockjaw, pain while eating or swallowing, and inflammation throughout the jaw bone causing headaches. It is quite the painful disorder, with many Americans looking for a solution that […]

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Is too much sleep harmful to your body?

Is too much sleep harmful to your body?

Think about it, I’m sure we all know one or two people, maybe a sibling or a friend, who sleeps the day away, right? Or, if we’re being honest, maybe it’s you! This is someone who sleeps until noon and stays up until 2 a.m.. Sounds like your typical college student cramming for tests, which […]

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Benefits of oral appliance therapy for TMD relief

Benefits of oral appliance therapy for TMD relief

If you have been recently diagnosed with Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, your doctor may have mentioned oral appliance therapy. With many options available for treatment, it can be overwhelming to make the right decision. It’s important to weigh your options, as everybody is different!  What are oral appliances?  Oral appliance therapy is used as a treatment […]

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4 tips to sleep better this year

4 tips to sleep better this year

Sleep is one of the most fundamental aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Without it, your days can drag, your work can suffer, and your relationships will be grasping for attention. I understand, getting a good night’s sleep is easier said than done, we lead busy lives! However, with these simple tips and tricks, your days […]

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Why does my jaw “click” when I open and close it?

Why does my jaw “click” when I open and close it?

You may notice a clicking sound when you’re chewing or talking. It may not be loud enough for others to hear, but you can definitely hear it. Annoying, right? This clicking may be associated with something called Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, otherwise known as TMD. Don’t fret, there are ways to lessen the sensation and sounds […]

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Ouch, my head! How your dentist can ease headache pain

Ouch, my head! How your dentist can ease headache pain

Have you noticed an increase in headaches? Is your standard Ibuprofen or Tylenol just not cutting it anymore? There may be an underlying issue that your dentist can help you resolve. Your headache pain may be stemming from something called temporomandibular joint disorder.  Temporomandibular Joint Disorder described Commonly referred to as TMD, this disorder can […]

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My family member snores, now what?

My family member snores, now what?

Think of your ideal night of sleep. Maybe some warm tea in bed, fuzzy blankets to keep you warm and comfortable, and a snoring spouse for some white noise. Wait a second, nobody enjoys a snoring family member! You’re tired of nudging them to break the chorus, kicking them “by accident,” and suffocating your ears […]