If you suffer from sleep apnea and experience migraines, there is a treatment in sight. Patients with headaches will often have a hard time sleeping, or attempt to go to a quiet space to sleep in order to relieve their throbbing pain.
One common indicator of sleep apnea is waking up with headaches. In fact, at least 50 percent of people who wake up with headaches might have sleep apnea. Another common problem that can cause headaches upon waking is bruxism, or teeth grinding. So, when your patients experience headaches, what do you do?
Providing treatment for headaches and sleep apnea
Sleep-related headaches can lead to a throbbing pain. This can often cause you to be nauseous and lead to vomiting. Either way you look at it, you probably feel miserable so what treatment is available to help?
Dentists can provide relief through the availability of an oral appliance. Many times, bite guards or oral appliances can help relieve aching jaw muscles caused by bruxism or misaligned jaws that might be leading to sleep apnea. As a result, it can help relieve the pressure you might be feeling in your head.
Treating sleep apnea with oral appliance therapy can help you to experience improved sleep while also resolving any pain you might be experiencing from headaches. In addition to oral appliance therapy, it is also important for you to maintain a regular sleep schedule as well.
It’s time to take charge of your health by not only treating your sleep apnea, but your headaches too. Contact Dr. Sara in North Scottsdale to learn more about sleep apnea and your options.