If your child has ever come home feeling exhausted from school, have you ever wondered why? Is it just because they are tired? That has to be it, right? It might be. Unfortunately, there is a chance that their sleepiness after school and throughout the day is because they are suffering from sleep apnea.
In children, these obstructions appear to occur during the stage of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Even brief apneas can cause a child to have low levels of oxygen in the blood and can occur quickly in a child with OSA.
What to Look Out for in Your Children
Since children have smaller lungs, they have less oxygen in reserve, which causes them to take frequent, shallow breaths rather than slow, deep breaths. When this occurs, it can also cause a child to have too much carbon dioxide in the blood.
As an adult with OSA, you may have fragmented sleep, briefly waking up after breathing stops. However, children do not wake up in response to pauses in breathing. They have a higher “arousal threshold” than adults, making their sleeping patterns fairly normal with OSA.
Most children with sleep apnea have a history of snoring that tends to be loud and may include obvious pauses in breathing and gasps for breath. Snoring can also involve a continuous, partial obstruction without any obvious pauses or arousals, but the child’s body may move in response to the pauses in breathing.
If your child suffers from sleep apnea he/she may experience cognitive and behavioral problems including:
- Aggressive behavior
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Delays in development
- Poor school performance
Contact Dr. Sara in North Scottsdale, AZ for more information on sleep apnea and how it might be affecting your child.