The short answer is, “Yes.” When you vape, it does impact your sleep, and not in a good way. There seems to be an ongoing battle between health and use of electronic cigarettes. But all signs point to the negative impact that vaping has on a person’s health, extending to sleep. Understanding e-cigs Teenagers and […]
We all know that puberty is a natural part of growing up. However, not everyone goes through puberty at the same rate, which can impact your sleep. In a recent study, researchers found that the earlier someone goes through puberty, the more complications will occur. Let’s take a look at how puberty and sleep deprivation […]
This year summer might look and feel differently than in previous years. With the current COVID-19 pandemic, you might be searching for innovative ways to get away on a little vacation. A lot of people are turning to road trips and camping. But what if someone you are going with snores? It just might ruin […]
Each night you slip into your pajamas and perform your nightly routine–whether you realize it or not. Then you hop into bed and snuggle up with your blankets. But is there such a thing as sleeping with too many blankets? There might be. It’s time to rethink adding that third or fourth blanket on top. […]
Let’s face it. We’ve all wondered how we can get a better night’s sleep regardless of underlying conditions. So what options are available? Some turn to medications and others might choose an alcoholic drink as a “nightcap.” But one easy, free and healthy way to approve your lack of sleep is by meditating. Here is […]
If you are someone who sleeps with the TV on, you’re not alone. A National Sleep Foundation poll found that 60% of Americans watch TV right before bed, and according to an LG Electronics survey, 61% of Americans fall asleep with the TV on. Some people swear by it, others find it to be a […]
As we all adapt to stay-at-home measures that vary in severity across the country, our sleep can take a big hit. Prescriptions to help those with insomnia have hit an all-time high during these COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, as anxiety and stress are keeping us awake. What’s causing this spike? Recent research has shown that from […]
Sleep apnea is commonly diagnosed in adults as the probability of having this disorder increases with age. However, children are not invincible to this disorder! Some of the signs to look for are also present in adults, with a few key differences. Don’t worry, there are ways to treat sleep apnea, especially if detected early. […]
As the Spring season is underway, more and more people are getting outside and embracing the sunlight and warm weather! This exposure to sunlight and warm weather does wonders for more than your mood, it improves your sleep patterns! A simple walk around the neighborhood is the best prescription for a good night’s sleep. This […]
Think about it, I’m sure we all know one or two people, maybe a sibling or a friend, who sleeps the day away, right? Or, if we’re being honest, maybe it’s you! This is someone who sleeps until noon and stays up until 2 a.m.. Sounds like your typical college student cramming for tests, which […]