Research around Alzheimer’s disease continues to advance. It seems that every year we are closer to understanding more about Alzheimer’s and other conditions. In fact, research has found that decades before symptoms of the disease are detected, molecular changes are present in the brain. We also know that there are links between Alzheimer’s and sleep […]
We continue to learn new information about COVID-19 as we navigate this pandemic. While things remain unknown, we have learned that people with COVID-19 and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) may be at an increased risk for complications, according to a study published in Sleep Medicine Reviews. What the study found In this study, researchers looked […]
Whether you are at home alone or in a house full of people, working full-time or searching for a new job, the added stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic can take a toll on your ability to sleep. If you are experiencing sleepless nights, it isn’t insomnia. There’s actually a new term for what you […]
The short answer is, “Yes.” When you vape, it does impact your sleep, and not in a good way. There seems to be an ongoing battle between health and use of electronic cigarettes. But all signs point to the negative impact that vaping has on a person’s health, extending to sleep. Understanding e-cigs Teenagers and […]
We all know that puberty is a natural part of growing up. However, not everyone goes through puberty at the same rate, which can impact your sleep. In a recent study, researchers found that the earlier someone goes through puberty, the more complications will occur. Let’s take a look at how puberty and sleep deprivation […]
Everywhere you turn, there is something new about the current COVID-19 pandemic. Depending on your level of interest with what is going on in the world, you might find yourself scouring social media all day and night. It may have even gotten to the point that this is what you search on a daily basis […]
These unprecedented times have led to a complete disruption in our routines. While we understand that you may not be able to do a lot of what you used to do, it is important to know that there are alternatives. Because obesity is the leading cause of sleep apnea, it is vital that you improve […]
This year summer might look and feel differently than in previous years. With the current COVID-19 pandemic, you might be searching for innovative ways to get away on a little vacation. A lot of people are turning to road trips and camping. But what if someone you are going with snores? It just might ruin […]
Each night you slip into your pajamas and perform your nightly routine–whether you realize it or not. Then you hop into bed and snuggle up with your blankets. But is there such a thing as sleeping with too many blankets? There might be. It’s time to rethink adding that third or fourth blanket on top. […]
If you can’t remember the last time you got a good night’s sleep and are scouring over the internet for help, we’ve got some information we can share with you. Chiropractors can potentially provide some benefits for those who suffer from sleep apnea. Here is how chiropractors can help. Adjustments of the neck By visiting […]