Let’s face it. We’ve all wondered how we can get a better night’s sleep regardless of underlying conditions. So what options are available? Some turn to medications and others might choose an alcoholic drink as a “nightcap.” But one easy, free and healthy way to approve your lack of sleep is by meditating. Here is […]
If you are someone who sleeps with the TV on, you’re not alone. A National Sleep Foundation poll found that 60% of Americans watch TV right before bed, and according to an LG Electronics survey, 61% of Americans fall asleep with the TV on. Some people swear by it, others find it to be a […]
As we all adapt to stay-at-home measures that vary in severity across the country, our sleep can take a big hit. Prescriptions to help those with insomnia have hit an all-time high during these COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, as anxiety and stress are keeping us awake. What’s causing this spike? Recent research has shown that from […]
Sleep apnea is commonly diagnosed in adults as the probability of having this disorder increases with age. However, children are not invincible to this disorder! Some of the signs to look for are also present in adults, with a few key differences. Don’t worry, there are ways to treat sleep apnea, especially if detected early. […]
As the Spring season is underway, more and more people are getting outside and embracing the sunlight and warm weather! This exposure to sunlight and warm weather does wonders for more than your mood, it improves your sleep patterns! A simple walk around the neighborhood is the best prescription for a good night’s sleep. This […]
Think about it, I’m sure we all know one or two people, maybe a sibling or a friend, who sleeps the day away, right? Or, if we’re being honest, maybe it’s you! This is someone who sleeps until noon and stays up until 2 a.m.. Sounds like your typical college student cramming for tests, which […]
Sleep is one of the most fundamental aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Without it, your days can drag, your work can suffer, and your relationships will be grasping for attention. I understand, getting a good night’s sleep is easier said than done, we lead busy lives! However, with these simple tips and tricks, your days […]
Think of your ideal night of sleep. Maybe some warm tea in bed, fuzzy blankets to keep you warm and comfortable, and a snoring spouse for some white noise. Wait a second, nobody enjoys a snoring family member! You’re tired of nudging them to break the chorus, kicking them “by accident,” and suffocating your ears […]
Who knew that we had fat in our tongues? It is definitely not a well-known fact among the general public, but it has become a topic of conversation in recent studies. Understanding the symptoms and causes of a larger tongue can help to determine whether or not it is affecting your sleep schedule negatively. Where […]
Sleep apnea can affect anyone, even children. However, certain factors will put you at an increased risk for sleep apnea. By understanding these risk factors, you can take charge of your health while getting a better night’s sleep. Let’s take a look at four risk factors for sleep apnea. You use alcohol, sedatives, tranquilizers and […]